Monday, February 26, 2007
One month check-up update...
Jaxon went to the pediatrician today for his one month check-up. He weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz. (up almost 3 lb. from birth) which is excellent. He measured 20 3/4" from 19" at needless to say he is what they call "thriving." Dr. Garcia recommended I start training Jax to sleep through the night, so I am to put him to bed at 11pm and try to prolong feeding him if he wakes up. First I am to check him and try to let him soothe himself. If he continues to cry then I should change him and put him back down...if he still doesn't go back to sleep then I am to pick him up for 30 seconds and lay him back down, if all that fails then I can feed him. Sounds like a lot but it makes sense, he needs to learn that night time is for sleeping, not eating. He also recommended that I put Jax on his belly for play time around 6 pm each evening to help build his muscles and keep him from getting a flat head. Otherwise he is a perfect little baby, no problems...he goes back in a month for another check up and to get shots.
Posted by Unknown at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Nanny Duty
Mommy stepped out of her comfort zone this past week and allowed grandma's some alone time with Jaxon. His Nana Smith watched him on Tuesday evening while Jared and I attended a business meeting in Harrisburg. Then Nanny Reed stayed home with Jax while Mommy and Daddy went to Steve and Kye's house. As uneasy and lost as I felt without Jaxon within arms reach, he did fine and I'm sure he didn't even know mommy was gone! Here's a picture that Nanny captured during a few hours of "awake" time.
Posted by Unknown at 9:23 PM 0 comments
My first "real" smile!
Today I am 4 weeks old and hit a milestone...My Mommy was so excited and just happened to capture it on camera (she always has that thing in my face). Jaxon had just gotten awake from a nap and I was talking to him and he smiled back! He did it twice more and I was able to grab the camera that was sitting nearby. Sure he has made those little smiles in his sleep and such, but he actually recognized me and smiled back! What an awesome feeling....I LOVE BEING A MOMMY!!!!
Posted by Unknown at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Happy Birthday Pappy Reed!
Shout out to Pappy Reed who is turning 52 today, Best birthday The Smith Family!
Posted by Unknown at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Bringing sexy Back!
Just wanted to post to show off my sexy little man, he too looks hot in red, just like mommy and daddy. I went on a shopping spree to find him a red outfit which is rather difficult, they don't make baby clothes in red. But since it was Valentine's Day earlier this week I got lucky and found a few things on sale, outfit courtesy of Baby Gap. Check me out!
Posted by Unknown at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Bath time
Bath time in the Smith house....Jaxon actually really enjoys bath time, he is usually just cool, calm, and collected, even when I wash his hair. I know, enjoy it while I can because eventually that will probably change. Here's a few pics from his bath earlier today. His hair even curls when its wet!!!!!>
Posted by Unknown at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Took Jaxon to the pediatrician today for something to clear up what we believe to be a diaper rash, but the doctor did a culture to send away just in case. But to my disbelief, he weighed 7 lb. 11 oz.!!!!!!! which is up 1 lb. 8 oz. from what he weighed 2 weeks ago today. Dr. Acharya was very satisfied with his weight gain considering he is breastfeeding and it was reassuring to me that I must be doing something right. I couldn't believe it. Here are some pics from today, (RED is his color just like his parents)....
Posted by Unknown at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 12, 2007
Wrong dates...
Just a heads up, as if you haven't noticed. The dates on the pictures posted thus far are incorrect. My camera settings were off, but I changed them to the correct date, just thought I would point that out! Thanks!
Posted by Unknown at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Jaxon's belly button stub fell off on Friday (2.8.07) I was so excited, now he can take a real bath. (He really hated those sponge baths)!!!!!
Mommy-hood is going great, still its amazing how I don't mind it. I never thought that I would even try it and now I am sooooo glad that I did. We have ventured out as a family a little here and there. We have been out to eat a few times, not that Jax even realized it, he sleeps through all the fun. We went to a cheerleading competition on Saturday to sell XS and he slept through the loud music, cow bells, and screaming! Perhaps the best part as an update is his sleeping pattern, especially at night. He eats around 9 or 10 and then again at like 2 and again at like 5:30. A great schedule that is very consistent since we came home from the hospital and will work great when mommy has to go back to work.
Posted by Unknown at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Our new little guy!
Please welcome JAXON to the Smith Family. He weighed in at just 5 lb. 12 oz. and was a little bundle of joy and a blessing from the moment he entered this world (Jan. 25, 2007)...we have waited so long for this! He is a wonderful baby and breastfeeding like a champ! At his one week check up he had grown from 19" to 19 3/4" and he weighed 6 lb. 3 oz. He sleeps well, usually waking just long enough to eat and have his diaper changed at around 2 am and then again at 5:30-ish. I am loving being a new mom, it just feels so natural. I can't believe how incredibly much I adore him and would do anything in this world for him. He is a precious gift from God and trust me we know we are blessed! Enjoy some pictures from his first two weeks of life~
Posted by Unknown at 8:22 PM 0 comments